
Survivor: Island of the Idols

39 days, 20 players, 1 Survivor! Greetings and salutations true believers! For today we will briefly discuss the premiere of Survivor. Now before I go too far let me acknowledge something; I am a true, die-hard Survivor junkie. I have been watching since day one and I just cannot stop. We are into season 39 and it still intrigues me. Obviously there are some seasons I like more than others. I will say I did not like the Redemption Island twist last season. I still believe that once you are voted out you are finished. The sight of Jeff snuffing the torch should be your end on the show. Elizabeth Well this season that appears to be the case. The cast, at first glance, appears to be stellar. I have already chosen a few favorites and I have noticed that no one has come across, at least yet, as the clear villain. While I like the idea of a boot camp, I cannot and will not ever get over the two big ass statues of Boston Rob and Sandra at the Island of the Idols. They...

Oscars 2019

Hey kids, The 91st Annual Academy Awards have come and gone. Just like this years Super Bowl, I was bored and disappointed. Dammit Academy, a host is desperately needed and you just bucked the mummy train on this one.  Did that even make sense? No, well neither did most of this night. I am not going over the whole thing, however a few of the highlights. While I was really looking forward to Queen opening the show with a guy I had never heard of before named Adam Lambert, it really was a disappointment. Why not just have Rami Malek up there doing his Freddie Mercury imitation? It was lackluster and not a great start to the night. Then three of my favorite women, Maya Rudolph, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and did a very funny yet all too brief routine about how there is not a host. Hello Academy? Why the hell were these three women not the hosts?  Gack! Melissa McCarthy covered in stuffed bunnies. Why? I have no clue. Hilarious? You betcha! One of the best moments of the ...

Will you Please Stop Playing that Song

Hey kids, Being that today is Halloween (okay I realize it’s not Halloween any longer, but it was when I started writing this so get over it) it is my duty to mention that I have never seen the movie “Hocus Pocus”.  When it came out I said “that looks shitty” and I have high hopes that I will never see it.  Okay, that news is out of the way. On with the main event. This past summer when we took a blissfully short road trip we tried using Spotify in the car.  We each took turns choosing artists to listen to (I pretty much always picked The Beatles or Elvis Costello) and then trying not to complain about each other’s selections.  On several occasions I mentioned that there were certain songs that I have heard enough and I never need to hear them again.  Then I recently read an article in which someone on NPR had come up with the same idea that I did; that certain songs need to be retired.  So I decided that I would make a list of the songs I never, ever ...

The How I Met Your Mother Series Finale: How it Pissed Me Off

It was more than a slap in the face; it was a humiliating kick in the crotch.  That was my first reaction to the series finale of How I Met Your Mother (heretofore known as HIMYM) and after thinking about it for a day it has only gotten worse.  This whole season has been a little (okay, a lot) less funny and enthralling as the previous eight, but all of that would have been forgiven if the finale gave those of us who have been fans since day one the closure we deserved.   They failed. When HIMYM first premiered I was hooked from the very beginning.  The show had relatable characters that were fun and the promise of something big to come one day.  Over the years Ted, Barney, Robin, Marshall and Lily became more than just characters in a show; they became family and we cared about them deeply.  I looked forward to Monday nights because I knew I would get some good laughs every week.  Even on those rare occasions when the show didn’t ...

The 86th Annual Academy Awards

The 86th Annual Academy Awards have come and gone and now that I have had a little time to digest what I saw I am ready to share my thoughts with you.  First of all I want to know if I am the only heterosexual man in America that sits with his beautiful wife to watch all the stars arrive and then critique the gowns, hair and shoes of the women as they walk the red carpet.  Anyone?  No, just me?  Oh well, I feel bad for the rest of you.  I tuned in to the TV Guide Network to watch the arrivals because that evil robot Seacrest was on E and there was no way I could sit through that.  I did like Nancy O’Dell’s gown and I thought that Ireland Baldwin looked nice as well, although she has some really dumbass tattoos and the way she would pop up and then disappear was very odd.  I only wish Nancy would have allowed some of the stars to actually answer her questions.  She would ask and when they would start to answer she would pull the mic...

The Amazing Race: All-Stars

Although it is one of the only two reality shows that I regularly watch and enjoy, I rarely write about The Amazing Race.  Today I will right that wrong, not with a recap per se, but rather my early impressions on this, the 24th installment of the popular series.  I have to say that when I first saw the lineup for this seasons all-stars I was a bit underwhelmed.  We had a couple of teams that were already running for the third time and frankly only one team of hot women.  When it comes to TAR, as it is know, you need at least two teams of beautiful women.  That should go without saying.  In addition to that oversight I saw that we would once again be stuck with one of the most annoying teams of all time, twin sisters Natalie & Nadiya.  Thankfully they were quickly eliminated by coming in dead last in episode one.  I could hear the cheers from around the world when it happened.  I was also thrilled that one of my favorite t...

Sir Griffin will not be Watching the Winter Olympics

Yes my friends you read that correctly; Sir Griffin will not be watching the Winter Games from Sochi Russia. Not one second.  There are several reasons why and I will share them with you now. First of all I am truly repulsed by the anti-gay laws of Russia.  Google ran an excellent pro-gay doodle yesterday with a quote from the Olympic Charter.  It read as follows "The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play," Now while that will do absolutely nothing to change the discriminatory laws of Russia (and I realize that things are not exactly perfect here either, but at least things are changing in the right direction) it was certainly a wonderful tribute. But there is also the stray dog issue.  I realize Sochi has an...