
Showing posts from October, 2012

Reality TV Sir Griffin Would Like to See

Except for Survivor and The Amazing Race, I have virtually no use for reality television. I don’t watch it and by design I know very little about it. I don’t care about anyone named Kardashian, people that drive trucks or hillbillies that fish with their hands. However, I have determined that there are several reality ideas I have in my head that I would watch if they actually aired. So take a look at my thoughts for reality television shows and let me know if you’d watch any of them. Chelsea & Angie – Two of the sexiest and most beautiful Survivor contestants of all time, Chelsea Meissner and Angie Layton, move in to a beach house together. They spend their days and nights wearing bikinis and doing normal, everyday things. Sometimes they read the phone book aloud and they often run in slow motion on the beach. Though I could not promise anything it would be great if they became lovers. The beach house would be near where I live. Seacrest or Death – A conte