Dropped from Sir Griffin's DVR

I am a dedicated television viewer. If I like a program I will often stay with a program from beginning to end. However, there are times when I just have to say goodbye to shows that I once loved. Sometimes it is easy to do. Take Heroes for an example. It had a spectacular first season that was fun and inventive. Season two was a completely different story. I stuck with it for about half of season two and then I had enough and let it go. It was off my DVR for good and I was not alone. Today I want to share with you three shows that I have dropped from my DVR so far this season.

Glee – When this show began I was absolutely enthralled with it. Since I had been in a group similar to New Directions when I was in high school, the show spoke to me. I enjoyed the songs and the dancing. I liked most of the characters and the show was blessed with a great villain in Sue Sylvester. Then at the end of last season the show began to fade. Sue was not as evil as she once was and Will Schuster was still as big a douchebag as ever. And the worst part was that the core cast graduated from high school. This was a natural progression, but after the first few episodes this season I realized the show should have called it quits right then. Following Rachel & Kurt in NYC while also going back to see the leftovers in Lima, OH was nauseating. And the addition of Kate Hudson as an evil dance instructor just did not work for me. Glee was removed from my DVR.

Nikita – This used to be one of my favorite shows. Nikita was a great heroine and she worked well against the evil forces at Division. But at the end of last season Percy, Nikita’s main nemesis and the head of Division, was killed and the show was forever changed. This season Nikita and her crew were in charge of Division and the results were downright dull. Add to that the mushy romance between Nikita and Michael and you have a mess where there were once great thrills. Nikita was regretfully removed from my DVR.

The Mindy Project – I know that this was a new show this fall and probably does not belong in this
category, but I include it because I don’t think I have ever seen a show take a dive on me so quickly. I though the pilot episode was somewhat flawed, but very funny so I thought I was in for a great new show. Boy was I wrong. The supporting case became more of an annoyance than anything else and each episode was progressively less funny. There was a particularly painful episode where Mindy was looking for a new gynecologist and was having an incredibly uncomfortable back & forth contest with one of her male co-workers on whether or not he could handle being her doctor. In the meantime the other doctor was busy breaking into her apartment to get an old watch. Not funny in the least and despite the fact that I really wanted to like this show, Mindy was quickly removed from my DVR.

In addition, there are shows that are getting dangerously close to being removed, but for whatever reason I am still sticking with them. Whether it be out of habit or just wanting to see how they eventually conclude, I do not know. But what I do know is that for every good episode thus far this season there has also been a bad show.

Bones – My enthusiasm for this show began to wane last season when Brennen took off with her and Booth’s daughter and went into hiding. It was so out of character from everything we had learned about her from the beginning of the series that I thought it would be the end for me. However, I was too darn curious as to how it would be resolved to remove it. Still, this season has been a roller coaster thus far. While I do not really mind the Booth/Brennen romance it still does not add anything to the show. On the other hand the marriage of Angela & Hodgins detracts from the show. Too often the episodes have been either silly or heavy handed and I am not a big fan of either. I know shows all need to evolve, but I think the episodes in which they stick to the core elements (Remains of a body found, strange murder, gather the evidence, find the killer) are the best. Bones you are still on my DVR, but you are on thin ice.

Castle – This show is proof that I will watch anything with Nathan Fillion. I loved Firefly. Heck, I even watched a table discussion in which he and other cast members from Firefly sat around talking about…Firefly. He was good in a very short-lived series called Drive and of course he was great in Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. With all that (and more) behind him it was a natural I’d be a fan of Castle. And for the first four seasons I was right there and enjoyed almost every episode. Then the writers put Beckett and Castle together and we have the silliness of the two of them trying to hide a relationship while at the same time trying to build it. While the homicidal storylines have, for the most part, been pretty good I find the relationship to be a distraction that frankly is not that fun. My suggestion would be to keep them together, but let’s just focus on the work and not the private lives. And since they work out of the 12th Precinct in NYC I think it would be hilarious for Castle & Beckett to walk in one day and see Fish sitting there at his desk, briefly acknowledge him and then move on. Castle you are still on my list, but don’t screw it up please.

So tell me please, what’s missing from your DVR?


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