Sir Griffin's Look at the Fall Schedule: The CW

I am taking today to take a look at the offerings from The CW.  Now, The CW is not offering much in the line of new shows this fall, but a look we will take nonetheless.  Let’s see what we can expect to see on The CW this fall…

Arrow – As much as I enjoy superhero movies, superheroes on TV have always been a tough sell for me.  I could never get into Smallville; Heroes had a great first season, but quickly declined in quality and The Cape was The Crap from the first episode.  However, I actually think that Arrow looks pretty good.  Arrow is actually The Green Arrow, a DC comic character whose name has been shortened for reasons I do not know.  Canadian actor Stephen Amell will be playing the main character of Oliver Queen/Arrow and he looks pretty good for the part.  I liked the preview and I feel this could be a fun show.  I also realize that superhero shows can go into an irreversible decline very quickly so I must be cautious.  Chances of me watching - 97%

Beauty and the Beast – Simply put, this is an update of the 1980’s series that starred Linda Hamilton.  The romance between a sewer dwelling beast and the above ground beauty will again be front and center, but now a standard crime procedural is added to the ongoing romance.  I never watched the original and I cannot imagine I could enjoy this one.  I find a romance with a guy that lives in a sewer kind of creepy.  Chances of me watching – Unless they have a singing teapot, dancing flatware, a nervous clock and rousing song about a guy named Gaston, forget it.

Emily Owens, M.D. – See how long you can stay with me before you start throwing up.  Emily Owens (Mamie Gummer aka Meryl Streep’s daughter) is a first year intern at a hospital in Denver.  When she gets there she finds that the guy she had a crush on in med school plus her high school nemesis, are also working there.  This makes Emily feel like the new kid in high school all over again.  As we all know I do not like medical shows and in addition I can see the love triangle a mile away.  Meryl Streep and her husband will watch this, but that may be it.  Chances of me watching – Less than zero

The Carrie Diaries (mid-season) – The Carrie in question is not the one from the Stephen King novel, but rather Carrie Bradshaw from Sex & the City.  This is actually a prequel to that show, which I have never seen.  The version of Carrie Bradshaw we get now is a high school senior in the early 80’s.  When I heard that all I could envision was Sarah Jessica Parker in Square Pegs, but I don’t think this will be presented in that way.  In fact I have no idea how Carrie will be presented nor do I care.  Chances of me watching – About the same as me getting a starring role in Sex & the City 3. 

Cult (mid-season) – In this world there is a popular TV show called Cult.  A journalist (Matt Davis) and a production assistant (Jessica Lucas) are investigating mysterious disappearances that are linked to the show and its fans.  So we have a show within a show type deal, which can sometimes be fun, but more often can be confusing.  I like things with conspiracy theories and this may fit the bill.  Chances of me watching – 51%

Okay there you have it, the CW schedule.  Not a whole lot to it and much of it not very interesting.  Of course, I don’t think I am the intended audience of the CW anyway.  Happy viewing. 


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